Youth Programs

Community / Youth Programs / NREA Youth Energy Leadership Camp


Brena St. Cyr daughter of Leslie Brownrigg and Elena Mackey daughter of Mildred Kitto & Chano Dominguez all of Niobrara represented North Central Public Power District at the 2024 Youth Energy Leadership Camp. Gage Vesely son of Jason & Angela Vesely will also attended the camp as a junior counselor. Gage was named one of the “Good Eggs” at the 2023 Youth Energy Leadership Camp which allowed him to attend the camp as a junior counselor. The camp ran from Monday, July 22th to Friday, July 26th at the Comeca Camp near Cozad, Nebraska. Students who attend this camp learn about the electric industry through interesting workshops, fascinating demonstrations and presentations by regional experts addressing the many issues affecting the rural electric program. Plus, they will tour the Gerald Gentleman Power Station and the Kingsley Hydro-Electric Power Plant for a first-hand look at the process of generating electricity.

Each year in July North Central PPD, a member of the Nebraska Rural Electric Association (NREA) sponsors three to four students to attend the NREA Youth Energy Leadership.  This camp was organized by NREA with the intentions of educating young men and women grades 9, 10 and 11, about rural electrification and to show them the opportunities for future careers in rural electrification. In addition, those attending camp will have a chance to learn new leadership skills, grow socially and serve as an ambassador to NREA’s Rural Electric National Youth Tour in Washington D.C., make many new friends, and most importantly…HAVE A GREAT TIME!!

This camp has been held for over 25 years at State 4-H Camp in the Halsey National Forest until the devastating fire in 2022 destroyed the 4-H camp. The Youth Leadership Camp is now being held at the Comeca Camp near Cozad, NE.

This camp is intermingled with

  • A “Get acquainted” party
  • Fun activities such as various sporting activities and tournaments, water games and canoeing
  • Educational sessions and career opportunities
  • A tour of the hydro-electric plant at Lake McConaughy and the facilities at the Sutherland Generation Plant
  • A cookout and sing-along
  • A banquet and awards ceremony
  • A dance
  • And much, much more

North Central PPD also provides the opportunity for one of the students who represent our district at the youth energy camp the chance to be selected to attend the National Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. 

Additional information about the Energy Camp and the National Youth Tour can be found at: 

If you have questions about the NREA Youth Energy Camp please submit your questions to Linda Sokol at

Washington D.C. Youth Tour

Once a year, a high school students who has represented North Central Public Power District at the Nebraska Rural Electric Association (NREA) Youth Energy Leadership Energy Camp has the opportunity to compete to be selected by North Central PPD’s Board of Directors to represent North Central PPD on the National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association (NRECA) Washington Youth Tour. This top-notch leadership experience and tour of our nation’s capitol includes meetings with state and national leaders and leadership training, as well as visits to all the major sights. Participants join over 1,500 other students from around the nation for one incredible week in our nation’s capital – a once in a life-time opportunity.

Gage Vesely the son of Jason and Angela Vesely has been selected by the Board of Directors to represent North Central PPD at the NRECA Washington D.C. Youth Tour in June 2024. We would like to congratulations Gage on achieving this honor.