At the annual board meeting in January, three directors took their Oath of Office to serve on the North Central PPD board. Renewing their Oath of Office were Terry Strope, representing Subdivision 4, and Linda Jedlicka, representing Subdivision 3. Strope was re-elected during the 2022 General Election, while Jedlicka was elected in the General Election due to her being appointed to the board back in 2021. Strope is serving a six-year term, while Jedlicka is serving out the four remaining years of a six-year term.
James J. Kounovsky, also receiving his oath of office was appointed at the December 2022 board meeting to fill the vacant position for Subdivision 7. He was seated on the board during the January 2023 meeting. Kounovsky will serve two years of the six-year term for Subdivision 7. As required by state statute, Kounovsky will be required to run for election during the 2024 General Election in order to serve the remaining four-years of the six-year term.












Pictured (left to right) is Notary, Brent Eggerling, administrating the Oath of Office to James J. Kounovsky, Terry Strope and Linda Jedlicka.