Brena St. Cyr, daughter of Leslie Brownrigg and Elena Mackey daughter of Mildred Kitto & Chano Dominguez all of Niobrara are representing North Central Public Power District at the 2024 Youth Energy Leadership Camp. Gage Vesely son of Jason & Angela Vesely will also be attending the camp as a junior counselor. Gage was named one of the “Good Eggs” at the 2023 Youth Energy Leadership Camp which allows him to attend the camp as a junior counselor.

The camp runs from Monday, July 22th to Friday, July 26th at the Comeca Camp near Cozad, Nebraska. Students who attend this camp learn about the electric industry through interesting workshops, fascinating demonstrations and presentations by regional experts addressing the many issues affecting the rural electric program. Plus, they will tour the Gerald Gentleman Power Station and the Kingsley Hydro-Electric Power Plant for a first-hand look at the process of generating electricity.